During the third semester at PSPS, all students participate in an Action Plan Writing competition to apply the practical knowledge acquired in previous semesters. This is one of the most anticipated activities at PSPS as all students aim to produce the best results. This year, six teams won the competition held on January 12, 2023. A team consisting of PYAE PHYO MAUNG, KYAW THET NAING, SWE LIN THANT, and THIRI THU received third prize with their project "Rural Community Development through Environmental Conservation in Myanmar." Another team comprising NDHLOVU ABEL, HORM SYTHA, OEM ROEURN, and WAKULICHOMBE AHMED RAMADHAN also received third prize for their project "Creating an Inclusive Society for People with Albinism in Malawi." The other team composed of NAITIO FERDINANDUS, FATRAH GUSTI MUHAMMAD, and SUPRIYADI SLAMET also received third prize for their project "Increasing Community Income Through the Utilization of Cassava Peel Waste into Biodegradable Plastic Products." The second prize was awarded to the team consisting of PERTIWI FITRI AYU, PRABANINGRUM ALFRINIA, TRIATIE ENNY, and SARI INTAN PERMATA with their project "Promoting Sustainable Community-based Tourism in Seelong Belanak Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara." Another team comprised of NKHONO MWAYIWAWO ENIYA, RAMAR SEPTER YUNUS, and DINAR MD SAJIBUL ISLAM also received second prize for their project "Scaling up Cooperative Rice Value Chain Addition in Iponga and Kaporo Areas of Karonga District in Malawi." The first prize was granted to the team of MUKUWA LINDA, PHIRI DAVID KACHIGAMBA, MAYAMBA MELODY MAYAMBA, and SIAME JARIOUS with their project "Youth Saemaul Education and Fish Farming in Kafue District of Zambia."
In celebration of the 52nd anniversary of the Saemaul Undong, PSPS students participated in the 6th Saemaul UCC Contest, which aimed to reflect on the past achievements of the Saemaul Undong and to envision its future for the next 50 years under the theme of "Happy Change, Developing Saemaul Undong." PSPS students demonstrated their excellence by receiving five awards, including the grand prize. The Indonesian team from PSPS was awarded the grand prize for their submission titled "How to Become a Saemaul Warrior." In their submission, they highlighted the transformative impact of the Saemaul Undong on the Republic of Korea, which has evolved from a recipient country to a donor country. They expressed their commitment to becoming Saemaul warriors in their home country of Indonesia to ensure that the lessons learned from the Saemaul Undong in Korea are embedded in their society. Alongside the grand prize, PSPS students received two excellence awards and two encouragement awards. Ferdinandus, one of the winners, remarked that studying at Yeungnam University's Park Chung Hee Saemaul Graduate School had allowed him to gain a deeper understanding of the core values of the Saemaul Undong, Korea's economic development, and the Saemaul Undong's impact from a foreigner's perspective. He expressed his aspiration to contribute to the development of his country as a Saemaul major in Indonesia, as reflected in the title of his entry.
On November 4, 2022, PSPS students embarked on a field trip to Gyeongju where they visited the Gyeongju Eco Water Center. The center provides a unique opportunity for ordinary citizens, including kindergarten, elementary, middle, and high school students, to engage in hands-on learning related to water. Since the World Water Forum in 2015, citizens' interest in water has been steadily increasing. The Gyeongju Eco Water Center plays a significant role in raising awareness about the importance of water and promoting a water-saving lifestyle. It does this by explaining, in simple terms, the process of purifying living sewage and sewage with clean water to students and citizens. During the field trip, PSPS students had the opportunity to tour the "sewage treatment process" one after another. The reservoir, where the cleanly treated water is discharged, provides an added attraction with the presence of many fish. Through this experiential learning, PSPS students gained a deeper appreciation for the importance of clean water. The trip was a valuable opportunity for the students to witness firsthand the process of water treatment and to understand the significance of sustainable water management.